Friday, March 16, 2018

"Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

I hope you dance...

I hope you still feel small when you stand beside the ocean,
Whenever one door closes I hope one more opens,
Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

I hope you dance!"

I love that Lee Womack song.  

I also love this from Charles Schultz:

Image result for if you can't dance you can at least do a happy hop

"If you can't dance, you should at least be able to do a happy hop!"

Of course, I am coming from my own love of dance BUT I interpret this in a much broader sense.

I think it means that it is important to EXPRESS yourself in SOME way.

The way I explained it to my young dance students looooong ago was like this:

Be still and spread your arms as far as you can.

Turn in a circle.

THAT is YOUR space on this planet.

Yours and ONLY yours.

Now, USE that space well.

ADD to the planet with that space.

You can jump, hop, sing, dance, skip, wave, laugh, just smile, WHATEVER you choose.

You can even invite others’ into your space.

THAT is way cool.

Like when I  invite my ol’ poop hubby into my space.

He willingly steps into that space and DANCES with me.

Our grand kids might not think it way cool.

But I sure do.

It is why I love him so.

He comes into my space and he dances.

Makes my space happier.

I believe that 'happy' will linger forever in that space (even if/when one of us is no longer on this planet).

So, it is essential to do all I can while I am here to use my space well, to 'happy' it, to 'dance' in whatever way I know to do.

I am going to try each day to be intentional about my 'happy hop' with the following ritual.

Join me if you like.

Stand still and spread your arms.

Image result for one kid standing with arms out silhouette

Turn in a circle.

THAT is YOUR space on this planet.

Use it well.


This planet needs more happy spaces.

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