Friday, November 9, 2018

In my last blog, I shared my word...FLERMOOKLED....somehow tonight my word doesn't even begin to do it but if the world within me not matching the world around me is my definition then I guess it's all I've got.

I watched the news of yet another shooting and then realized that what we do is shrug.

We shoot and we shrug.

That's what Americans do.

NPR had interviews with psychologists that called it "compassion fatigue". That makes us sound like we HAVE compassion, doesn't it?

But, it also makes us sound like victims. Weary to the point of inaction.

Takes us off the hook.

We are SO weary. What can we do?

They shoot. We shrug.


Maybe that should be a motto.

With 307 mass shootings in 311 days, it seems fitting.

But THEN I saw the following on more than one news station and I could NOT fathom our nation doing another collective shrug.

I mean, if the words of yet another unstable male Caucasion mass shooter doesn't make us take pause then what will?

THIS shooter expects us to be shruggers.

It is beyond chilling.

So I HAD to do more than shrug and cry and cry and shrug.

It ain't much AT ALL but I write this blog.

I KNOW it will anger some and unsettle others but I must.

Do what you will with it but I MUST do SOMETHING!

Monday I am meeting with a woman who works with an action group advocating for common sense gun laws to see how I can plug in. I will continue to vote, write, march, speak for common sense gun legislation. I will encourage those around me to do the same.

 I will look for more and more ways to do more than shrug.

If you feel as flermookled as I do, I encourage you to do SOMETHING.  Google "common sense gun laws" and you WILL find ways to respond beyond "hopes and prayers"...and then pass it on!

In other words, if you are in ANYWAY flermookled...if the world within you does not match the world around you...then PLEASE put that compassion into action.

 Let's put an end to SHOOT and SHRUG!


Joe said...

Thanks for the challenge. I will back the ACP (American College of Physicians) & their call for doctors to talk to patients about gun safety (as well as protest the NRA's response to this telling physicians to "stay in your lane"). No shrugging for me. I'm shouting ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

cjb said...
