Tuesday, June 18, 2019

 Been awhile since I meandered here but just back from a trip to New York City with our grandson, Nik. We take each of them when they hit their teens. I LOVE the city so it’s great fun to see the kids respond in their own way to it all!
There were, as always, memorable moments but what has stuck with me are 3 signs that we saw that we ALL were struck by.

One was a very unhappy man with a sign saying “F—- Trump” and the other was a very happy man with a sign saying, “JESUS”!
We chuckled, Nik wished he had a pic and we discussed it BUT it has stayed with me.
I think it’s because it seems somehow symbolic of our culture right now...such extremes that walk right past each other.
I might not hang my hat on Trump but I do not appreciate a sign that shows such disrespect to him.
I might hang my hat on Jesus but I’m pretty sure we’re meant to do more than carry his name on a sign and grin real big.
In other words, neither sign DOES anything, especially since the Trump guy looked anything but approachable and the Jesus guy was walking so fast you couldn’t approach him.

BUT THEN, while on the Staten Island Ferry, in walked these folk with food for whoever wanted any as well as a can for donations. THAT sign (that they WORE) hit the mark for me, a reminder that I can BE a sign...one that isn’t F’ING anyone and is DOING Jesus.

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