This post seemed timely since there is a 'caravan' of much maligned folk walking for their lives...there is a man in custody for sending bombs to threaten the lives of politicians with whom he disagrees...and 11 Jewish lives were just lost at the Tree of Life synagogue.
Maybe finding this today is just a Cheryl thing but it 'feels' like a God thing so I share.
I have a very small group who read this. There could be a larger audience if I posted on my page but I prefer this. One must CHOOSE to come here.
As you have chosen to be here.
I make the assumption that it is okay with you for me to 'meander'.
So meander, I will.
Because what happened to me today is just something that I need to share.
Maybe it's just a Cheryl thing but it 'feels' like a God thing.
This morning we went to NOAH (Networking, Organizing, Advocating for Homeless) as we usually do. One of the men wore an 'I voted' pin. I asked if he had voted and how he felt.
He said it didn't turn out as he had hoped but it was important to give the new president a chance. Why would we want him to fail?
I heart-fully agreed with him.
When we finished, we noticed that there were TV cameras and a large group of folk gathering in the sanctuary. This church, Central UMC, is where Martin Luther King preached one of his last sermons before his assassination. As you can see in the final photo below, the church continues it's quest in the heart of downtown Detroit for Peace and Justice.
Anyway, one of the NOAH clients was entering the sanctuary and I asked him what was happening. He said that he didn't know but he was pretty sure it was something good. Joe and I decided to follow him into the sanctuary.
This is where the God thing happened.
It was an interfaith gathering. People wanting to speak to the need for safe places for those who feel unsafe.
I appreciated the UMC minister but I was moved by the others.
I was moved by the Muslim woman who apologized for her tears while she spoke of the fear she felt for her community because of the many reports of, among other things, hijabs being ripped off heads and children being told that "9/11 was bad for US but 11/9 is bad for YOU".
I was moved even more by the Imam who ended the session saying that "extremism was a disease of other nations" so he prayed Mr. Trump might work in the days ahead to bring "reconciliation and healing". He closed his remarks by saying he was "hurt"...not angry, just"hurt" the words of a renown Christian leader who said "God's hand intervened Tuesday night to stop the godless, atheistic progressive agenda from taking control of our country." He said he was NOT godless and that he believed Jesus would never say that about him or those who voted as he did.
This gentle humble MUSLIM understood Jesus in the way that I understand Jesus.
I was and am struck deeply.
I want others to hear this CHRIST message from a MUSLIM man so I share it here.
If you want others to hear it, please share it also.
This Imam then bowed his head and prayed to the God of "Jesus, Moses and Muhammad" asking that "this country might find peace, justice and unity".
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