Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Last night on our way home, our car lurched and slowed waaaay down so we had to decide what to do;  we decided to crawl home the next 6 miles.  We made it and Joe is now hoping to make it to the dealer.  I asked him to text me when he gets there and let me know how he might get home as we do not have another car right now.

It's about 3 miles away.  If he doesn't get a ride, he said he would walk. That's a titch unfortunate, but I compare it to what I saw on the news this morning and well????

Think about it:  Joe might walk 3 miles to get back to what he knows is a safe place while 1000's of humans like Joe and Cheryl are walking 1000's of miles to FIND a safe place.

Because of what I also saw on the news in response to this 'caravan', let me add that there most likely ARE some of them with ill intent but, if there are those few, it sure seems a long hard way to do it....seems like if they really wanted to cause harm to America...or anyplace...they would choose another mode to do it cuz' this is gonna' take a reeaalllly loooooong time.

Walking 1000 miles to cause harm seems incredibly inefficient to me.

Just sayin'.

BUT, if I allow myself to believe they are 'bad guys' then I can allow myself to defend why I don't have to DO anything, right?

 I just CANNOT do that.

 It just feels WRONG to me, especially if I am to come anywhere close to ANYTHING that the God in whom I believe calls me to embrace.  I can find NOTHING in my faith that allows me to defend turning my mind and heart against humans like myself simply wanting a modicum of what I already have.

I understand fully that the logistics are a nightmare...I do not have answers...but I just CANNOT let myself close my mind and heart that way.

I see the photos and they are not just photos.  They are the people I have been privileged to walk beside in Rwanda and Waveland and Haiti and Dominican and Trinity and NOAH. They are Felix and Dr. Wanube and Nehemiah and that man who was mentally impaired and found another mentally impaired man to mentor him and Victor and that man living in a hut in the middle of nowhere outside of Mizak and Anthony and so many more whose names I am ashamed I do not remember!  

And, my friends,  99% of them were 'good guys'.

(I use those 'bad' and 'good' labels with great hesitation and ONLY because they seem to resonate now.)

You see, once I have walked beside someone I can no longer dismiss them....and yet I can shamefully, tearfully (literally) admit that I wrestle profoundly with what to DO...

...so I write a stupid little blog and hope, at least, one person will think a moment longer before closing a mind or heart to those who walk and walk and walk and walk and walk and...

Image result for migrants walking

Joe just drove home in our free loaner car.
Just sayin'. 


Anonymous said...

You always have such thoughtful ideas when it comes to really continous issues. Gives you a different perspective

cjb said...

Thank you. Bless you.

Anonymous said...

It's not a stupid little blog, but what can you do to help the 1000s right now?????? Such a helpless feeling

marcia szumowski said...

Can you imagine what horror these people have left when the choice to walk 1000 miles was the better choice! I can't fathom trying to walk with children, and babies. The thought of someone with 'evil intent' trying to 'sneak' in is laughable. There are less obvious ways to slip by than a crowd this size.

cjb said...

Amen, Marcia!!! And I SO agree about that helpless feeling, Anonymous. Appreciate the feedback from you both!