Sunday, April 21, 2019

We celebrated this young mans' 16th bday today....April 21....Easter...reminded me of the blog I wrote 5 years ago so decided to really is an Easter story.

Our third grandchild will be 11 this week.  He is what I call an 'old soul' who continues to grow into himself more and more each day;  he will make a difference in this world.

He has already made a difference in mine.

Jozef  (I call him Joey) was born at 28 was Easter weekend just like this weekend and his mother, Megan, who had a most difficult pregnancy had been given permission to come to our home instead of being on bed rest.  Within hours of her arrival, she went into labor and after a harrowing 2 days in which she was remarkably strong and resilient in mind, body and spirit, into the world came this little child.

His dad, Adam, and Joe and I were there throughout the ordeal which culminated in....I am not exaggerating...a good 20 people on standby in the room while the doctor watched the baby's heart rate.  We listened as the doctor said, "Megan, we cannot wait, we must take the baby NOW."  We jumped back as they whisked her away.

And. Then. We. Prayed. And. We. Waited.

Adam asked, "What day is it? "  I said it was the 21st.

April 21st.

The date of the day my father took his life.

Now, it had been many years since that day and I am not one who remembers every date, good and/or bad, every year BUT when I said those words to Adam, for some reason, I was reminded of what that day had brought years before.

And somehow, I found hope in it.

All I could think was that someone we loved had left us in a profound way on that date and someone we loved was going to come to us in a profound way on that date.

I cannot tell you why I thought of that in those moments.  I cannot tell you why I felt hope.

But. I. Did.

And then a nurse came from the room.... RUNNING....FAST....with a little tiny bundle of life and Adam took after that nurse and his son.

A son who had to fight but fight he did!

Jozef Ashford Korzeniewski....2 lbs. 11 oz. of mind, body and soul was here.

Here. To. Stay.


You can do what you choose with that story, dates and all, but the fact of the matter is that on April 21st, someone I loved deeply left me and on April 21st, someone I LOVE DEEPLY came to me.

In that, I find hope. 


Hope-y Easter, Everyone.

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